Monday, April 18, 2011

The real deal in squeal!!!

Word is that from a frou-frou foodie-hipster point of view, this bacon party was ok.

But..again..that's if you like frou-frou stuff made by chefs that are this close to being narcissistic a-holes in their own universes. ( Calm down..I was raised in a kitchen I can call them assholes if I want to.)

BACONFEST™ 4-30-11 featuring Logcano™ is the exact opposite of frou-frou "I wanna be on Top Chef someday" micro-portion charcuterie. As those who were there last year can tell you, it's bacon explosion goodness with piles of bacon ice cream, topped with bottle upon bottles of the finest craftbrews and a touch of bonfire with gunpowder.

Can't wait to see you there :)

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